Use Cases
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Custom Data Services
FileMaker - Example WebDirect SQL and REST API-enabled Calculation Form
FileMaker - Form Editor
FileMaker - Calculation Editor
FileMaker - Relationship Editor
FileMaker - Script Editor
FileMaker - Data Editor
FileMaker - Benefits of FileMaker Technologies
FileMaker - Complex Calculation Application
FileMaker - E-commerce Video Catalog Utilities
FileMaker - E-mail Processing Systems
FileMaker - MMS and SMS Messaging Systems
FileMaker - POS and Inventory Databases
FileMaker - XML Bulk Upload Utility
FileMaker - WebDirect Mobile Forms
PHPRunner - Mobile Interfaces
PHPRunner - SQL Database Interfaces
PHPRunner - APIs For SQL Databases
PHPRunner - Drill-down Filters
PHPRunner - File & Image Processors
PHPRunner - Record Locking and Audit Controls
PHPRunner - Search Interfaces
PHPRunner - QR Codes, Labels, Signatures
PHP Scripts
PHP Scripts - Example HTML Data Process Form
PHP Scripts - JSON to XML Converters
PHP Scripts - POST to FileMaker
PHP Scripts - REST API Array Filters
PHP Scripts - REST API Filters
PHP Scripts - Ship Engine Example
Google Sheets - Currency Exchange Rates API Lookup
Google Sheets - Customer SQL Query Lookup
Google Sheets - Multiple Parameter SQL Price Lookup
Google Sheets - SKU SQL Query Lookup
Google Sheets - Aggregate SQL Query Results as Dynamic Array 1
Google Sheets - Aggregate SQL Query Results as Dynamic Array 2
Microsoft Excel - Return SQL Query Results as XML for Dynamic Array
Microsoft Excel - Dynamic Invoice Form
Microsoft Excel - Custom Employee Bonus Calculator
Microsoft Excel - Loan or Mortgage Payment Calculator
Microsoft Excel - Jewelry Evaluation Worksheet
Microsoft Excel - Multi-parameter Price Look-up
PHPRunner mobile forms can interact with a variety of SQL databases.
Use the form below to search over 1,000,000 records.
Scan the QR code to test the functionality on your mobile device.
PHPRunner mobile forms can insert files directly into a variety of SQL databases.
Scan the QR code to test the interface on your mobile device.